“The Gathering if Baptists” is sometimes referred to herein as “The Gathering”
(Revised in 2014 to comply with the revised (October 2011)
Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act including the Regulations made pursuant to the Act,
which is referred to herein as “The Act.”)
Our ‘Corporate Purpose’ is as defined in Form 4013, Section 6, of the Articles of Continuance.
The following paragraphs offer expanded definition of the covenant under which the people of the Gathering of Baptists associate and serve:
We are Baptists (or people with a Baptist heart) gathering to foster wholeness, integrity, and responsible ministry following the example of Jesus.
Our aim is for the advancement of religion and its practice within that understanding of the Christian
Faith known as "Baptist."
We share a mission to seek, provide, protect and foster:
. DISCERNMENT under the leadership of God's spirit.
. JUSTICE FOR ALL which is the foundation of peace, and the vitality of peace.
is God's love.
. AN EVANGELICAL PEOPLE sharing our faith stories.
. A NON-JUDGEMENTAL FORUM promoting discussion of doctrinal and
ethical questions and social issues.
equality, in all aspects of our lives.
. AN ECUMENICAL SPIRIT and its prosperity.
so that BCOQ and CBM strive for the same values and mission.
To create and foster open discussion (for inspiration, encouragement, exploration and correction) in our search to think, to love and to minister in harmony with God's will.
The first "Gathering" was in 1993 consisting of concerned Baptists, lay and clergy, within the BCOQ who felt a need to maintain contact with others who hold to similar principles and understanding of what it is to be "Baptist."
We endorse and uphold such historic Baptist principles as:
. PROCLAMATION OF JESUS' GOOD NEWS. God calls all people to repentance
and faith, reconciliation and hope, healing and wholeness, social and economic justice.
. SERVANT LEADERSHIP, following our Servant Lord.
. SPIRIT OF COOPERATION, freely working with other believers who might express the
gospel differently.
. FREEDOM OF INTERPRETATION. Led by God's Spirit each person is free to interpret
. RESPONSIBLE THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION; learning characterized by reverence for
biblical authority which respects open inquiry and responsible scholarship.
. FREEDOM OF THE LOCAL CHURCH. Under Christ's authority, each local church shapes
its own life and mission.
. FREEDOM OF CHURCH AND STATE, opposing efforts by either to use the other for its
own purpose.
Members of The Gathering enter into a covenant with each other to:
. support one another in prayer;
. fully accept one another as God's people;
. value diversity, inclusive governance and the democratic process;
. be collegial in activities, and through Christian love, seek the spirit of tolerance and
mutual respect;
. congruently apply our faith to our lives.
. hold the spirit of our Purpose, Mission, Mandate, and Distinctive statements as part of
our Covenant and conduct all of our affairs under the primacy of this Covenant spirit.
Hence, this ‘Covenant and Process for Working Together’ is to be appreciated as a guide to help Gatherers in the living out of our covenant, rather than as a means with which to coerce and control.
The Gathering of Baptists, in the spirit of this covenant, encourages cooperation with other like-minded groups.
Membership is open to any individual, family, or congregation who wishes to be a member and who will affirm and uphold the Covenant of Section 1 above. Membership is effected by request, or by recommendation of a member and affirmation by the recommended. Such individuals, families or congregations shall be placed on our membership/mailing list.
Subject to The Act, there are two classes of membership in The Gathering, namely, Class A and Class B. The Steering Committee may, by resolution, approve the admission and removal of members. Members may also be admitted in such other manner as may be prescribed by The Steering Committee by ordinary resolution.
Members who are individuals may apply to transfer their membership from Class A to Class B, or vice-versa, by request to and approval of the Steering Committee.
Membership for congregations is primarily a statement of support of the covenant and mission of The Gathering. The voice of The Gathering in discussion, consensus or voting is the gathered voice of individuals. Particular fees, responsibilities and/or privileges of congregational membership are as defined in Policy Statements. Such memberships shall be of Class B.
All members are entitled to receive mailings (electronic or post), publications, and financial statements of The Gathering. Financial statements may be distriuted to the broad membership or avaiable upon request from the Treasurer.
Members are removed from membership at their request, at death, or in accordance with Policy established by The Gathering.
Class A members are as defined in Section 8 of FORM 4031 in the Articles of Continuance.
A member is assigned Class A membership in accordance with Gathering Policy Statements which define a level of commitment required for that class.
The term of membership of a Class A voting member shall be annual, subject to renewal in accordance with policies of The Gathering.
As set out in the articles, each Class A voting member is entitled to receive notice of, to attend and to vote at all meetings of The Gathering of Baptists and shall be entitled to one vote at such meetings.
Class B members are as defined in Section 8 of FORM 4031 in the Articles of Continuance.
A member is assigned Class B membership in accordance with Gathering Policy Statements which define a level of participation appropriate for that class.
The term of membership of a Class B non-voting member shall be annual, subject to renewal in accordance with policies of The Gathering.
Subject to the Act and the articles, a Class B member shall be entitled to receive notice of, and to attend, but shall not be entitled to vote at, meetings of the members of The Gathering.
The Gathering in meeting will recognize one or two individuals as representatives of organizations who have been approved for Class B membership.
The payment of membership fees is regarded as a firm statement of concern and prayer support, and a means of helping pay for printings, mailings, expenses for Gatherings including expenses for speakers, office expenses, and other such costs of operation and mission as approved by The Gathering. Fees may be waived where some other tangible support is given, in accordance with Policy Statement.
Fees are as established from time to time at a duly publicized Gathering.
3. MEETINGS (“Gatherings”)
There must be at least one meeting annually between July and December. The Gathering usually meets twice annually, Spring and Fall, on the last Saturday in April and October. It may meet at other times as approved at a meeting of The Gathering and published to the members. Such meetings are also known as "Gatherings." The Fall Meeting is considered to be the “Annual General Meeting” of The Gathering.
Special meetings of The Gathering may be called by the Steering Committee, on majority vote or consensus of that Committee, providing four weeks notice is given in writing by the Steering Committee.
Notice is considered given whether by letter or newsletter, electronically, by regular post, or by hand delivery.
Meetings of The Gathering are to be conducted in the spirit of open discussion, listening, freedom, and openness to the passions of smaller groups who wish to pursue projects in keeping with our Covenant.
Members will be advised of issues to be considered at least one week prior to the meeting.
The Gathering makes its decisions either by consensus or by majority vote of those in attendance, unless otherwise provided for in the Corporations Act or in these bylaws. If consensus cannot be reached, the meeting will consider the advisability of not pressing forward with the issue or decision. However, if it is deemed by the Gathering that a decision must be made in spite of a diversity of opinion, then the matter will be put to the vote, one vote per Class A member.
Consensus is as judged by the Moderator that there is general agreement and that no member is prepared to rise on a statement of disagreement.
Proxy votes are not counted since attendance to discussion is considered vital.
Quorums for meetings are as defined in Policy Statement but shall be not less than ten members.
Meetings are of persons gathered together only, not by electronic means or telephone conference. Members, the Auditor, or anyone else accepted by the Moderator, or by resolution of voting members present may be present and participate.
In the event that the Moderator is not present and a Chair for the meeting has not been named by The Steering Committee, the voting members present shall choose one of their number to chair the meeting. The Chair shall assume the responsibilities and privileges outlined in the above regarding the Moderator’s role in the meeting.
4. STEERING COMMITTEE (Board of Directors)
The primary purpose of the Steering Committee is to embody, preserve, nurture and proclaim our covenant values, not only among themselves, but in the wider networks of their relationships.
A Steering Committee, consisting of members chosen by the body at its Fall Gathering, assumes (without remuneration) oversight of assignments and planning as directed by the membership and makes recommendations to The Gathering at its meetings. It cannot speak for The Gathering. The Steering Committee, or any member of it, may not act for The Gathering in any way contrary to our Covenant. Committee members are eighteen years of age or older. A Gathering may remove a member from the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee assumes the responsibilities of the Board of Directors for the Corporation, The Gathering of Baptists.
Only Class A members may serve on The Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee has permission to add to, or accept resignations from, its number as necessary. The Steering Committee also delegates from its body those who will serve in special functions. It has privilege to pursue and to delegate members to serve on committees. Committees serve only as needed and for purposes as agreed and recorded in minutes of a Gathering or Steering Committee.
Decisions are made by consensus or majority vote, under the same guidelines as used in Gatherings. The quorum is as defined in the "Policy Statements" but shall not be less than six members. Each member, including the Moderator or chair of the meeting, is assigned one vote. The Chair of a meeting may cast a second vote in the event of a tie vote.
The time and place of meetings of The Steering Committee are at the call of the Moderator, but there shall be at least two per year, and all members shall be notified of meetings in a responsible fashion, and have opportunity to acknowledge the notice. Should The Moderator fail to call a required meeting, any four members in agreement of the need may call a meeting.
Members of The Steering Committee will include the following (maximum 20 members):
Vice Moderator
Past Moderator
Facilitating members (at least four additional)
Officers: The Moderator, Past Moderator, Secretary and the Treasurer are the officers of The Gathering of Baptists.
Term: Members of the Steering Committee shall serve a three-year term, and may be re-appointed any number of times. Officers are requested to serve a two-year term, arranged such that the Moderator and the Secretary do not retire simultaneously. Normally, the Moderator will not serve two consecutive terms. The Secretary and Treasurer terms are renewable.
Members of the Steering Committee may be dismissed from their duties under the conditions for Termination of membership as defined in that Policy Statement
Electronic meetings: Special meetings may be held and decisions made by electronic means under the following guidelines:
The members of the Steering Committee may meet by teleconference provided that either a
majority of the members consents to meeting by teleconference or meetings by teleconference
have been agreed to at a meeting of the Steering Committee.
The members of the Steering Committee may meet by other electronic means that permits each
member to communicate adequately with each other, provided that:
(a) The Steering Committee has developed a Policy Statement addressing the mechanics of
holding such a meeting and dealing specifically with how security or confidentiality
issues should be handled, the procedure for establishing quorum, and recording votes
when necessary.
(b) each member of the Steering Committee has equal access to the specific means of
communication to be used.
(c) each member of the Steering Committee has consented in advance to meeting by
electronic means using the specific means of communication proposed for the meeting.
- presides at meetings of the Steering Committee and of The Gathering
- follows up on assignments and projects assigned to committees between Gatherings
- serves as moderator in the moderator's absence
- prepares to succeed the Moderator at end of term
- promotes nominations for offices and committees
- maintains records of all meetings (Steering Committee and The Gathering Sessions)
- maintains list of members and affiliates such that a mailing list can be available on
short notice (see Policy Statement)
- makes requests to churches, or other bodies, for future Gathering Session locations
- maintains correspondence and the corporate seal (if applicable) as necessary
- does whatever is necessary to keep things going!
- handles the monies of The Gathering
- maintains appropriate and recognised as responsibly required financial records
- maintains annual Corporate filings required under The Act.
The authority to sign documents on behalf of The Gathering is as follows:
(a) The Moderator and/or Secretary may sign official documents on behalf of The
Gathering of Baptists but only as specifically directed or clearly implied at a Gathering.
(b) Signing authority for cheques drawn on the accounts of the Gathering of Baptists shall
normally be the Treasurer but provision with financial institutions shall be made that any
one of the Treasurer, the Moderator, or the Secretary may sign for The Gathering of
A Nominating Committee shall be appointed at the Fall Meeting of The Gathering to nominate, for presentation at the following Fall Meeting, candidates for the Steering Committee, Nominating Committee, Audit Reviewer, and other such positions as may from time to time be identified by Policy Statement.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Past Moderator and two members who are not, at the time of their term, serving on the Steering Committee.
The fiscal year begins January 1 and ends December 31st.
8. AUDIT REVIEW (“Auditor”)
A person to perform an audit review of the Financial Transactions and Statement(s) (books) shall be appointed at the Fall Gathering to independently review the financial records and report to the Gathering at the subsequent Fall Meeting. Should the “Auditor” be unable to conduct the audit review, the Steering Committee shall appoint an alternate “auditor”.
General guidelines or agreements on policy shall be recorded in a set of "Policy Statements" to be maintained in accordance with actions of the Gathering which have been recorded in official minutes. These do not form part of the Bylaws but supplement them.
Amendments to the By-Laws require a two-thirds majority vote at a duly called Gathering where an intention to amend has been published in the notice of meeting or proposed at a previous meeting, and are subject to Ministry of Industry approval per The Corporations Act.
shall be as defined in Section 9 F0rm 4031 of the Articles of Continuance.
The Steering Committee is empowered to borrow up to an amount stated in a Policy Statement regarding financial obligations for operations for the good of its members; otherwise approval from a duly called Gathering meeting of the members is required.
Designated members of the Steering Committee may enter into financial agreements on behalf of the membership as defined in resolution of the membership at a Gathering.
The members of the Steering Committee shall be indemnified from and against any legal action resulting from the performance of their duties, except when the action results from willful neglect of those duties or violation of the Covenant of The Gathering
gdc 17 March 2014
“The Gathering if Baptists” is sometimes referred to herein as “The Gathering”
(Revised in 2014 to comply with the revised (October 2011)
Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act including the Regulations made pursuant to the Act,
which is referred to herein as “The Act.”)
Our ‘Corporate Purpose’ is as defined in Form 4013, Section 6, of the Articles of Continuance.
The following paragraphs offer expanded definition of the covenant under which the people of the Gathering of Baptists associate and serve:
We are Baptists (or people with a Baptist heart) gathering to foster wholeness, integrity, and responsible ministry following the example of Jesus.
Our aim is for the advancement of religion and its practice within that understanding of the Christian
Faith known as "Baptist."
We share a mission to seek, provide, protect and foster:
. DISCERNMENT under the leadership of God's spirit.
. JUSTICE FOR ALL which is the foundation of peace, and the vitality of peace.
is God's love.
. AN EVANGELICAL PEOPLE sharing our faith stories.
. A NON-JUDGEMENTAL FORUM promoting discussion of doctrinal and
ethical questions and social issues.
equality, in all aspects of our lives.
. AN ECUMENICAL SPIRIT and its prosperity.
so that BCOQ and CBM strive for the same values and mission.
To create and foster open discussion (for inspiration, encouragement, exploration and correction) in our search to think, to love and to minister in harmony with God's will.
The first "Gathering" was in 1993 consisting of concerned Baptists, lay and clergy, within the BCOQ who felt a need to maintain contact with others who hold to similar principles and understanding of what it is to be "Baptist."
We endorse and uphold such historic Baptist principles as:
. PROCLAMATION OF JESUS' GOOD NEWS. God calls all people to repentance
and faith, reconciliation and hope, healing and wholeness, social and economic justice.
. SERVANT LEADERSHIP, following our Servant Lord.
. SPIRIT OF COOPERATION, freely working with other believers who might express the
gospel differently.
. FREEDOM OF INTERPRETATION. Led by God's Spirit each person is free to interpret
. RESPONSIBLE THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION; learning characterized by reverence for
biblical authority which respects open inquiry and responsible scholarship.
. FREEDOM OF THE LOCAL CHURCH. Under Christ's authority, each local church shapes
its own life and mission.
. FREEDOM OF CHURCH AND STATE, opposing efforts by either to use the other for its
own purpose.
Members of The Gathering enter into a covenant with each other to:
. support one another in prayer;
. fully accept one another as God's people;
. value diversity, inclusive governance and the democratic process;
. be collegial in activities, and through Christian love, seek the spirit of tolerance and
mutual respect;
. congruently apply our faith to our lives.
. hold the spirit of our Purpose, Mission, Mandate, and Distinctive statements as part of
our Covenant and conduct all of our affairs under the primacy of this Covenant spirit.
Hence, this ‘Covenant and Process for Working Together’ is to be appreciated as a guide to help Gatherers in the living out of our covenant, rather than as a means with which to coerce and control.
The Gathering of Baptists, in the spirit of this covenant, encourages cooperation with other like-minded groups.
Membership is open to any individual, family, or congregation who wishes to be a member and who will affirm and uphold the Covenant of Section 1 above. Membership is effected by request, or by recommendation of a member and affirmation by the recommended. Such individuals, families or congregations shall be placed on our membership/mailing list.
Subject to The Act, there are two classes of membership in The Gathering, namely, Class A and Class B. The Steering Committee may, by resolution, approve the admission and removal of members. Members may also be admitted in such other manner as may be prescribed by The Steering Committee by ordinary resolution.
Members who are individuals may apply to transfer their membership from Class A to Class B, or vice-versa, by request to and approval of the Steering Committee.
Membership for congregations is primarily a statement of support of the covenant and mission of The Gathering. The voice of The Gathering in discussion, consensus or voting is the gathered voice of individuals. Particular fees, responsibilities and/or privileges of congregational membership are as defined in Policy Statements. Such memberships shall be of Class B.
All members are entitled to receive mailings (electronic or post), publications, and financial statements of The Gathering. Financial statements may be distriuted to the broad membership or avaiable upon request from the Treasurer.
Members are removed from membership at their request, at death, or in accordance with Policy established by The Gathering.
Class A members are as defined in Section 8 of FORM 4031 in the Articles of Continuance.
A member is assigned Class A membership in accordance with Gathering Policy Statements which define a level of commitment required for that class.
The term of membership of a Class A voting member shall be annual, subject to renewal in accordance with policies of The Gathering.
As set out in the articles, each Class A voting member is entitled to receive notice of, to attend and to vote at all meetings of The Gathering of Baptists and shall be entitled to one vote at such meetings.
Class B members are as defined in Section 8 of FORM 4031 in the Articles of Continuance.
A member is assigned Class B membership in accordance with Gathering Policy Statements which define a level of participation appropriate for that class.
The term of membership of a Class B non-voting member shall be annual, subject to renewal in accordance with policies of The Gathering.
Subject to the Act and the articles, a Class B member shall be entitled to receive notice of, and to attend, but shall not be entitled to vote at, meetings of the members of The Gathering.
The Gathering in meeting will recognize one or two individuals as representatives of organizations who have been approved for Class B membership.
The payment of membership fees is regarded as a firm statement of concern and prayer support, and a means of helping pay for printings, mailings, expenses for Gatherings including expenses for speakers, office expenses, and other such costs of operation and mission as approved by The Gathering. Fees may be waived where some other tangible support is given, in accordance with Policy Statement.
Fees are as established from time to time at a duly publicized Gathering.
3. MEETINGS (“Gatherings”)
There must be at least one meeting annually between July and December. The Gathering usually meets twice annually, Spring and Fall, on the last Saturday in April and October. It may meet at other times as approved at a meeting of The Gathering and published to the members. Such meetings are also known as "Gatherings." The Fall Meeting is considered to be the “Annual General Meeting” of The Gathering.
Special meetings of The Gathering may be called by the Steering Committee, on majority vote or consensus of that Committee, providing four weeks notice is given in writing by the Steering Committee.
Notice is considered given whether by letter or newsletter, electronically, by regular post, or by hand delivery.
Meetings of The Gathering are to be conducted in the spirit of open discussion, listening, freedom, and openness to the passions of smaller groups who wish to pursue projects in keeping with our Covenant.
Members will be advised of issues to be considered at least one week prior to the meeting.
The Gathering makes its decisions either by consensus or by majority vote of those in attendance, unless otherwise provided for in the Corporations Act or in these bylaws. If consensus cannot be reached, the meeting will consider the advisability of not pressing forward with the issue or decision. However, if it is deemed by the Gathering that a decision must be made in spite of a diversity of opinion, then the matter will be put to the vote, one vote per Class A member.
Consensus is as judged by the Moderator that there is general agreement and that no member is prepared to rise on a statement of disagreement.
Proxy votes are not counted since attendance to discussion is considered vital.
Quorums for meetings are as defined in Policy Statement but shall be not less than ten members.
Meetings are of persons gathered together only, not by electronic means or telephone conference. Members, the Auditor, or anyone else accepted by the Moderator, or by resolution of voting members present may be present and participate.
In the event that the Moderator is not present and a Chair for the meeting has not been named by The Steering Committee, the voting members present shall choose one of their number to chair the meeting. The Chair shall assume the responsibilities and privileges outlined in the above regarding the Moderator’s role in the meeting.
4. STEERING COMMITTEE (Board of Directors)
The primary purpose of the Steering Committee is to embody, preserve, nurture and proclaim our covenant values, not only among themselves, but in the wider networks of their relationships.
A Steering Committee, consisting of members chosen by the body at its Fall Gathering, assumes (without remuneration) oversight of assignments and planning as directed by the membership and makes recommendations to The Gathering at its meetings. It cannot speak for The Gathering. The Steering Committee, or any member of it, may not act for The Gathering in any way contrary to our Covenant. Committee members are eighteen years of age or older. A Gathering may remove a member from the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee assumes the responsibilities of the Board of Directors for the Corporation, The Gathering of Baptists.
Only Class A members may serve on The Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee has permission to add to, or accept resignations from, its number as necessary. The Steering Committee also delegates from its body those who will serve in special functions. It has privilege to pursue and to delegate members to serve on committees. Committees serve only as needed and for purposes as agreed and recorded in minutes of a Gathering or Steering Committee.
Decisions are made by consensus or majority vote, under the same guidelines as used in Gatherings. The quorum is as defined in the "Policy Statements" but shall not be less than six members. Each member, including the Moderator or chair of the meeting, is assigned one vote. The Chair of a meeting may cast a second vote in the event of a tie vote.
The time and place of meetings of The Steering Committee are at the call of the Moderator, but there shall be at least two per year, and all members shall be notified of meetings in a responsible fashion, and have opportunity to acknowledge the notice. Should The Moderator fail to call a required meeting, any four members in agreement of the need may call a meeting.
Members of The Steering Committee will include the following (maximum 20 members):
Vice Moderator
Past Moderator
Facilitating members (at least four additional)
Officers: The Moderator, Past Moderator, Secretary and the Treasurer are the officers of The Gathering of Baptists.
Term: Members of the Steering Committee shall serve a three-year term, and may be re-appointed any number of times. Officers are requested to serve a two-year term, arranged such that the Moderator and the Secretary do not retire simultaneously. Normally, the Moderator will not serve two consecutive terms. The Secretary and Treasurer terms are renewable.
Members of the Steering Committee may be dismissed from their duties under the conditions for Termination of membership as defined in that Policy Statement
Electronic meetings: Special meetings may be held and decisions made by electronic means under the following guidelines:
The members of the Steering Committee may meet by teleconference provided that either a
majority of the members consents to meeting by teleconference or meetings by teleconference
have been agreed to at a meeting of the Steering Committee.
The members of the Steering Committee may meet by other electronic means that permits each
member to communicate adequately with each other, provided that:
(a) The Steering Committee has developed a Policy Statement addressing the mechanics of
holding such a meeting and dealing specifically with how security or confidentiality
issues should be handled, the procedure for establishing quorum, and recording votes
when necessary.
(b) each member of the Steering Committee has equal access to the specific means of
communication to be used.
(c) each member of the Steering Committee has consented in advance to meeting by
electronic means using the specific means of communication proposed for the meeting.
- presides at meetings of the Steering Committee and of The Gathering
- follows up on assignments and projects assigned to committees between Gatherings
- serves as moderator in the moderator's absence
- prepares to succeed the Moderator at end of term
- promotes nominations for offices and committees
- maintains records of all meetings (Steering Committee and The Gathering Sessions)
- maintains list of members and affiliates such that a mailing list can be available on
short notice (see Policy Statement)
- makes requests to churches, or other bodies, for future Gathering Session locations
- maintains correspondence and the corporate seal (if applicable) as necessary
- does whatever is necessary to keep things going!
- handles the monies of The Gathering
- maintains appropriate and recognised as responsibly required financial records
- maintains annual Corporate filings required under The Act.
The authority to sign documents on behalf of The Gathering is as follows:
(a) The Moderator and/or Secretary may sign official documents on behalf of The
Gathering of Baptists but only as specifically directed or clearly implied at a Gathering.
(b) Signing authority for cheques drawn on the accounts of the Gathering of Baptists shall
normally be the Treasurer but provision with financial institutions shall be made that any
one of the Treasurer, the Moderator, or the Secretary may sign for The Gathering of
A Nominating Committee shall be appointed at the Fall Meeting of The Gathering to nominate, for presentation at the following Fall Meeting, candidates for the Steering Committee, Nominating Committee, Audit Reviewer, and other such positions as may from time to time be identified by Policy Statement.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Past Moderator and two members who are not, at the time of their term, serving on the Steering Committee.
The fiscal year begins January 1 and ends December 31st.
8. AUDIT REVIEW (“Auditor”)
A person to perform an audit review of the Financial Transactions and Statement(s) (books) shall be appointed at the Fall Gathering to independently review the financial records and report to the Gathering at the subsequent Fall Meeting. Should the “Auditor” be unable to conduct the audit review, the Steering Committee shall appoint an alternate “auditor”.
General guidelines or agreements on policy shall be recorded in a set of "Policy Statements" to be maintained in accordance with actions of the Gathering which have been recorded in official minutes. These do not form part of the Bylaws but supplement them.
Amendments to the By-Laws require a two-thirds majority vote at a duly called Gathering where an intention to amend has been published in the notice of meeting or proposed at a previous meeting, and are subject to Ministry of Industry approval per The Corporations Act.
shall be as defined in Section 9 F0rm 4031 of the Articles of Continuance.
The Steering Committee is empowered to borrow up to an amount stated in a Policy Statement regarding financial obligations for operations for the good of its members; otherwise approval from a duly called Gathering meeting of the members is required.
Designated members of the Steering Committee may enter into financial agreements on behalf of the membership as defined in resolution of the membership at a Gathering.
The members of the Steering Committee shall be indemnified from and against any legal action resulting from the performance of their duties, except when the action results from willful neglect of those duties or violation of the Covenant of The Gathering
gdc 17 March 2014